Part 1
Ah, Flashback. Released by French company Delphine Software in 1992, and according to its Wikipedia article in the Guinness Book of Records as the bestest selling French game of all time. Flashback was a staple of my childhood alongside the Commodore Amiga, and for my first attempt at an LP I could think of nothing more I'd like to run through and poke affectionate fun at.Flashback is frequently mistaken for the sequel to Another World. This is rubbish - Heart of the Alien was the sequel to Another World, Flashback was more of a follow-up, taking Another World's initial starting point - a step platformer mingling gunplay and cinematic storytelling - and running with it to create something altogether more complex and polished. It also used a new form of rotoscoped graphics to create some of the smoothest platforming animation since Prince of Persia.
Interestingly, Flashback was initially going to be an licensed adaptation of The Godfather, but they drifted away from that pretty early in development - and it must have been pretty damn early, because I can't imagine how they'd have reconciled everything otherwise.
Anyway, that's enough wankery, let's get onto the screenshots and silly captions. If it really matters to anyone I'm playing the SNES version through ZSNES, although the game was also released for the Genesis, Sega CD, Jaguar, Amiga, PC, Mac, 3DO and 'Archimedes', whatever the hell that is.
Shortly: getting to grips with your protagonist